Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Foreclosure Fraud Action Alert

Immediate action needed;

1 comment:

  1. Foreclosure Fraud Assault - A Cry For Help

    A foreclosure that entails savagery, fraud, corruption, greed, intrusion, peril, trauma, desolation, shocking deviation from established law and court rules and procedures, and reprisals for whistleblowing and for not relinquishing one's home to sham foreclosure is a riveting story worth being told.

    The victim's painful story comes with a plea for humanity to rise to a duty of raising awareness, and not merely for the sake of aiding this one victim. It is for the sake of calling attention - and hopefully "making a difference" by requiring lawmakers to make changes in what appears to be third-world judicial systems of shocking perversion and inequality, harmful to the entire economy.

    Encapsulated in the story "Foreclosure Gang Rape,. . .," the victim's graphic details of years of harm from lawyers, judges, and banks summed up as 'gang rape' is commensurate with defilement, exploitation, humiliation, bigotry, betrayal, invasion, revilement, assault, depredation, torture, despoliation, stigmatization, maltreatment, denigration, ruin, pillage, ransack, intrusion, and racism.

    The victim has no option other than to cry out for help in this urgent appeal, and hope that people who read this story will be prompted to outrage, as well as motivated to circulate this story so that change can come, to target judicial systems that facilitate social harm.
